Each of the following contain downloads that may help you in your work with students with autism and other disabilities.
(Unless otherwise noted, I created the materials below and am happy to answer any questions that you have about the downloads.)
Data Program for Probe Data
- This is a program for Excel that graphs and analyzes your student probe data to provide you with accurate information regarding lesson progress.
Data Program for Task Analyses Data
- This is a program for Excel that graphs and analyzes your student task analysis data to provide you with accurate information regarding lesson progress.
FBA/BIP Process for Public Schools
- The process and forms
used in Harrisonburg schools is shared here for our staff to use and
any other divisions to adopt
VB-MAPP Training Materials
- Various handouts that aid in learning the purpose and use of the VB-MAPP are shared here. Each includes a related presentation
Performance Aids
- Various performance aid documents are shared that will help in guiding your educational practice